Developmental Services Ontario

“Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) in Ontario. There are 9 DSO locations across the province.

When you turn 18, your children’s developmental services such as Special Services at Home, Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities, and services through the Ontario Autism Program end. This means that you must apply through DSO to see if you are eligible to receive adult MCCSS funded supports available in your community.

When you connect with your area DSO they will help you:

  • understand and complete the application process.
  • determine the kind of services and supports you need.
  • get access to MCCSS funded services and supports that you need when a spot is available.
  • find information in your community.”

Excerpt taken from

Click here to learn more about Developmental Services Ontario.